lundi 28 mai 2018

Prostanthera rotundifolia

Prostanthera rotundifolia est un petit arbuste au feuillage persistant. Feuillage persistant, vert foncé, aromatique. Floraison lilas pourpré,en grappes, en avril-mai. Flowers are generally purple in colour and are prolific in spring. Son feuillage est persistant et aromatique.

Fleurs solitaires, aux aisselles des.

Arbustes ou arbrisseaux nains, aromatiques. Erigé, étalé et buissonnant, ses fins. Ces arbustes sont moins rustiques que P. Natutal medicine can heal your body and mind.

It is hardy to zone and is frost tender. AU SOMMAIRE : Visites des jardins : Le jardin de la Ninfa. Conseils pratiques : planter le prostanthera rotundifolia.

Pas de panique : Pas de panique chez Clara.

The following databases may contain further information on this name. Please click on any button to follow a link to that database. Stunning purple bell shaped flowers absolutely cover this fragrant Australian native.

Rising to eight feet or more, this hardwood shrub with its tiny dark green. The Round-leaf Mint Bush reaches a height of two metres in our cold. Well the season’s begun with a shot and bang, weeks of sunshine in mid March will wet gardener’s appetites.

We’ve been clearing out greenhouses almost as. One of the most attractive of the Australian mint bushes this species has small rounded grey leaves and produces many small lavender flowers over a long period. Eight phenolic acids and flavonoids were identified from the plant. Another wonderful Australian shrubby mint this one with deep purple-blue flowers in spring and summer and strikingly creamy variegated foliage the rounded leaves.

Search over 0plants in our plant guide. We are devoted to enriching gardeners’ experience with a wide variety of. This rare and delightful dwarf is a small, aromatic evergreen shrub with tiny rounded leaves, and. PROSTANTHERA CUNEATA SEEDS (ALPINE MINT BUSH) - Plant World Seeds.

Several Australian native species called Christmas Tree or Christmas Bush are actually very. The CLP Regulation ensures that the hazards presented by chemicals are clearly communicated to workers and consumers in the European Union through classification and. The Australian mint bushes really smell far superior to regular mint, not as sweet a bit more citric. A rounded shrub growing to 2m and 1.

Small, rounded dull green leaves are aromatic and grow to 1cm. The flowers are purple, lilac or occasionally white or. Précédente Suivante Les Lamiaceae.

Ein ausgezeichnet wohlriechender Strauch, der auch Honigmyrte genannt wird. Dataset The Plant List with literature Rank SPECIES. If you have images for this taxon that you would like to share with Atlas of Living Australia, please upload.

An aromatic evergreen shrub that produces a splash of purple flowers in spring. It does well in warm, sheltered spots. This shrub produces lilac or mauve but sometimes whitish flowers, they are arranged in large open or more compact.

Important: Is this species in your area? Ensure you’ve covered all the issues by checking the Planning Ahead page. The Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH) is an online resource that provides immediate access to the wealth of plant specimen information held by Australian herbaria.

Vous cherchez une plante ou une fleur? It has medicinal and miscellaneous uses.

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