jeudi 22 juin 2017

Leucanthemum vulgare

La tanaisie, plante commune et vivace, est idéale pour la culture bio. Annuelles et vivaces hermaphrodites à port dressé ou rampant. Conseils pour semer et planter les leucanthemum ou marguerites, principales espèces et variétés vivaces ou annuelles. Elles sont bien connues et répandues dans nos campagnes et sont symboles des floraisons estivales. Description des feuilles: Feuilles vert foncé, dentées, celles du bas spatulées et pétiolées, celles du haut embrassantes.

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Europe and western Asia which has been introduced widely around the world. Ox-eye daisy is native to Europe and Asia and introduced worldwide as a garden ornamental. Plante herbacée vivace, en touffe, à tige érigée.

Les inflorescences sont de grands capitules aux ligules blanches autour du centre jaune. A la découverte des fleurs butinées par les abeilles. If you have images for this taxon that you would like to share with NBN Atlas, please upload using the upload. Elle a donné naissance à de nombreux hybrides.

Tanacetum vulgare , Chrysanthemum vulgare. Synonymes : Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L.

Margherita comune Cota buona: Margarita mayor Margarida de prat : Grote margriet: Cuisine Le bouton de marguerite a un goût poivré et peut. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions. It is in flower from June to August. Tige (a) de 30cm-lm, simple ou ramifiée, glabre ou poilue. Feuilles basales (b) 5-10cm, obovales­spatulées à oblongues-obovales, à long pétiole et marges.

La plupart des participants de Canadensys ont transféré leurs données au domaine public. Grandes marguerites blanches simples à coeur jaune de juin à août. Leucanthemum is a genus of flowering plants in the aster family, Asteraceae.

These images can help to accurately identify the plant during different seasons of. It was introduced from Europe as an. Identify oxeye daisy via its pictures, habitat, height, flowers and leaves. Long live with large flowers and crisp (yes, really good looking) dark green foliage.

The stem is mostly unbranched and sprouts laterally from a. White daisy flowers dancing in the wind – pretty or just another pest? Although this introduced species is. Next time you walk past a pretty white daisy, take a close look at the leaves. The Plant List does not attempt to include all infraspecific taxa.

The following databases may contain further information on this name.

Native to Europe, it is found growing in. Ou Chrysanthemum leucanthemum , marguerite commune, grande marguerite. Hosted by the USGS Core Science Analytics and Synthesis. La marguerite est une vivace herbacée à floraison blanche au cœur jaune.

Page designed through the cooperative efforts of interagency ITIS Teams. The central stem is glabrous to slightly hairy and often angular or furrowed. A single plant can produce from 1-flowering stems. C’est une plante à fleur en touffe, à. Sometimes taxonomists create new names for groups that already have a name.

They may do this because they are unaware of the original name, or they may think the. A perennial herb found in many grassy habitats, especially meadows and pastures which are cut or moderately graze preferring well-draine neutral to base-rich. An introduced species, now found in every US. For vascular plants occurring in wildlands or otherwise outside of cultivation in California, the Jepson eFlora contains taxonomic treatments, distribution maps.

La plus hâtive et la plus proche parente de la marguerite des prés.

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