La Plaisir de Jardiner commence ici chez Bakker. Une nouvelle obtention rare, superbe pour son feuillage bordeaux contrastant avec une très longue floraison rouge framboise. L’ Ever Red est exactement ce que dit le notoujours rouge. Between the unique purple foliage and true red flowers that.
Dark burgundy foliage retains its color throughout the year. Received lovely witch hazel ever red plants. Maybe the packing could of been a little better as the plants had room to move about and the soil came out into the. Perfect for autumn and winter colour in the garden, ‘EverRed’ has very deep magenta red ribbon-like flowers that erupt like sparklers for six whole months from October right through to March! Noloropetalum chinense ever red ou loropetalum pourpre et rouge ever red pot litres ou loropetalum chang nian hong Descriptif variétal : Peu répandu, le.
The farther south you go, the more loropetalum can profit from a location with partial shade (which may, however, result in fewer blooms and a less-intense foliage color for kinds such as Razzleberri, Ever Red , Ruby, and Burgundy). Der Wuchs ist kompakt, aufrecht und weit, von. Floraison en groupes de filaments rouge vif de la fin fin de l. Le loropetalum se couvre de fleurs originales en forme de lanières en février mars. Le jeune feuillage se pare de très belles couleurs rouge cuivré. Rubra’ se caractérise par des fleurs fuchsia très parfumées.
Arbustes ou petits arbres persistants, à port arrondi. Les fleurs à la forme délicate et aux pétales. Ses fleurs rose frambois aux pétales découpés en fines lanières sont très gracieuses.
Die intensiv roten Blüten, auffällige dunkelbraune Blätter und die lange Blütezeit, machen den Ever Red eine schöne Ergänzung zu dem Sortiment. Loropetalum plants are easy to cultivate, though some are hardier than others. In my opinion this is a great little shrub. The vivid fringe-flowers are produced in.

Feuillage très coloré et floraison en petits bouquets fins rouge vif. Fine-petalled flowers of vivid red stand out against a dark red foliage. Une belle floraison rouge intense remontante ! Bel arbuste au port étalé, présentant un feuillage pourpre foncé persistant. Ce que les autres membres en pensent This new, compact loropetalum has the reddest blooms of all. This new variety of Chinese Witch Hazel benefits from bright red spidery flowers appearing from late winter.
An evergreen shrub with deep burgundy foliage that holds its color throughout the year. Dark red flowers in spring and fall. LOROPETALUM CHINENSE EVER RED (R) P15. Compact variety, extremely dark burgundy foliage retains color throughout summer.
Chinese fringe tree This is an evergreen shrub to small tree that can grow to over feet tall. Leaves may be green, reddish, or dark purple. Want to add some color to your yard? Dazu heben sich diese Blüten durch ihr.
But the foliage can’t stand to be second fiddle, and its burgundy colors will take the breath away. This evergreen shrub features deep burgundy foliage that holds its color throughout the year. From the Gardeners Confidence collection. A compact variety with deep vivid red blooms.

Compact evergreen shrub with deep, vivid red frilly blooms from late winter to spring over dark burgundy foliage. Sadly, the time it takes to deliver. We also love Purple Diamond for its larger scale, maturing at 5’ x 5’ with pink flowers. Both varieties are great as backdrops, in mixed border plantings, or even as a hedge.
Deze selectie heeft de meest rode bloemen van alle. CHOISYA SCENTED GEM LISSBRID Un Choisya plus facile à cultiver, feuillage fin avec des boutons floraux roses.
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